L’inquiétude était palpable à la rencontre du conseil d’administration de Meta ce vendredi matin. Les revenus publicitaires diminuent et devant cette situation, les administrateurs ont décidé « dans un premier temps » d’engager une vingtaine de collaborateurs supplémentaires.

La publicité numérique est tout aussi importante que la pub traditionnelle

Meta, a startup that offers an AI-powered marketing platform, is trying to develop new formats for advertising as its revenue decreases. The company has been working on a number of new formats, including video ads and sponsored content. However, it remains to be seen whether these new formats will be enough to offset the decline in Meta’s revenue.

Les formats publicitaires dans un monde digital

{Meta is attempting to develop new advertising formats while its revenue decreases.}

Meta is attempting to develop new advertising formats while its revenue decreases. One of the company’s primary goals is to generate more revenue from advertising. However, with decreasing ad revenue, this becomes more difficult. Meta is therefore trying to create new formats that will be more appealing to advertisers and generate more revenue. Some of the new formats being developed include video ads and sponsored content.

Comment satisfaire les attentes des consommateurs de l’ère digitale

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Les différences entre la publicité digitale et traditionnelle

Meta is trying to develop new advertising formats while its revenue decreases. The company’s CEO, Bob Kostka, believes that this is necessary in order to stay competitive.Meta has been working on developing new ad formats for several months now. The goal is to create formats that are more interactive and engaging for users. This includes things like video ads,Sponsored Stories, and carousel ads. So far, these new formats have been well received by advertisers and have helped to offset some of the decline in Meta’s revenue.

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Meta is attempting to develop new advertising formats as its revenue declines. The company is hoping that by creating new and innovative ways to advertise, it will be able to bring in more revenue. Meta has been struggling recently, with its revenue dropping by nearly 30% in the past year. The company is hoping that its new advertising formats will help turn things around.

Meta est une entreprise de marketing en ligne qui a récemment essayé de développer de nouveaux formats publicitaires. Cela fait suite à une diminution de ses revenus, ce qui est particulièrement préoccupant pour une entreprise dont le business model repose principalement sur la publicité. Les nouveaux formats publicitaires peuvent être une bonne chose à long terme, mais ils ne semblent pas être la solution immédiate dont Meta a besoin pour augmenter ses revenus.